Monday, January 20, 2014

Blogger Virgin

So I've been trying to write down what has happened in my life for a while. At first I wanted to write a book, but every time I tried, I could never figure out how I was going to end it because my life is still happening. So I have come up with the idea to blog because I can share the story of my life slowly and on my own time while still continuing my story in the present.
So blog reading community- welcome me because I am a blogger virgin. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Please be gentle. As for what you need to know about me in the present, I'm 23 and I'm still alive. Starting from the beginning of my memory, I'll post the next excerpt in my life every week. It gets gory sometimes and quite personal. I'm going to make grammatical errors and maybe even "plot" errors. But I am me and you will just have to accept it.
Here goes nothing.


  1. Bring it, Gen! Can't wait to read what you have to say! I would be happy to help fill in blanks if there are times that you don't remember or want other people's perspectives. Love you for being such a strong and brave woman!

  2. Off to a great start! Here goes 'not nothing', but something and everything....YOU
    Love you Gena, Marcia
